Pitching Clinic/Evaluation
Date: Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Time: Session One 4-5:30 pm Beginning & Intermediate
Session Two 6-7:30 pm Advanced
Location: Premier Sports Academy - Central Illinois’ Newest Indoor Softball Facility
Address: 376 CR 1800 E. Gays, IL 61928
Directions- 4 miles west of Mattoon on Route 16.
Turn south on the 4th road out of Mattoon or the 2nd road west of Rogala Golf Course. After turning south it is ¼ mile down that road.
Purpose: To provide qualified instruction in basic fundamentals of pitching. Areas of instruction will include techniques and drills for beginning, intermediate and advanced pitchers.
What to Please wear Tennis Shoes or Turf Shoes. No Cleats allowed on the Turf.
Wear/ Bring: Bring Glove.
Fee: $40.00 Make Checks Payable to “Premier Sports Academy”
Denny Throneburg
Director of First Class Pitching, Athletic Director/ Former Head Softball Coach
of Lake Land College and Casey Westfield High School
2-Time National High School Coach of the Year
Kristi Paulson, Dan Paulson, and Aubrey Frank
Co-founders of Premier Sports Academy, Co-founders of Premier Fastpitch Organization
To Register: Email Kristi Paulson at klbradley27@yahoo.com or call 217-254-1565. Email Denny Throneburg at d_tburg@yahoo.com or call 217-276-2255
Download the form at:
Get Ready for the Fall Season • Pitching Clinic/Evaluation • Illinois