Hi All,
I need help. I have been running for about two years now. Last summer I had worked my way up to 7 mi on my long runs (once a week) and 3-5mi the other 2/3 days a week. My 5K times were starting to break 25:00 and I could sustain just under a 9min/mile pace on 5+ mi runs. I had to start taking a couple of antidepressant medications and a blood pressure medication. I currently take 150mg of Effexor (75 in AM/75 in PM), 300mg of Wellbutrin (AM) and Lisonpril (w/o HTCZ). Not very long after I started noticing that I can't run at the distance or pace that I use to. I knew that weight would be an issue as one of the side affects but have not heard anything about a decrease in running performance. I have been running 3-4 days a week since Feb 1st and I still can't even run 2mi. My pace is 9:30 or higher when I actually run but my overall pace is at 11:00 b/c I have to stop at about a mile in and have to do so more than once. My legs feel like they have hit a wall and I can't take another step. I have tried running in the AM and the PM with no difference. I have brand new Brooks Addiction (got fitted for them) shoes that have about 35 miles on them. I had my physician modify my BP medicine about 2 months ago (it was Lisonpril with HTCZ) b/c I found some posts saying that people had similar problems on that medicine. None of these changes have had any impact on my peformance and I haven't seen even the slightest improvement over the last 5 months. Does any one have advice or have experiened similiar issues??