I have been runnning for just over six years, and from April through November I participate in a lot of road races. Nineteen to date, mostly 5Ks and 5Milers, with a couple of longer runs as my legs during a Ragnar Relay a few years back. I am self-taught, and definitely NOT a "natural" runner. I came to running late in life and I am not fast; my endurance is good, however. I don't use a body monitor or any other devices. My 5Ks so far this year have all been right at a 9:30 pace and I think my independent runs are about the same. I run outdoors (no treadmill), weather permitting (I'm in the Cape Cod area) usually at least 5 days a week during the spring/summer/fall. I strength train once or twice a week (more in the winter) and I do yoga on my "rest" day.
Recently I became involved with an organization called MyTeam Triumph which is an athletic ride-along team where participants in wheelchairs get to experience different athletic events. Last weekend, I completed my first event with them: a 5-Mile road race with a wheelchair partner, and I had an amazing time. However, it was MUCH more difficult than I anticipated. I couldn't believe how much momentum I lost by not being able to swing my arms (also did not enjoy running without earbuds/music, but that's more psychological than anything). The wheelchair itself (3-wheeled racing type, like a jogging stroller) was much heavier than I expected, and the front wheel does not pivot. The course was slightly hilly but more like a low grade incline for most of the miles. We did stop at two water stations on the course (my partner was elderly, it was nearly 80 degrees and I wanted to make sure we were hydrated) but my time was 56:25 -- for comparison, I ran a 5Miler last November in 48:16.
My next event with them is in 11 weeks and it will be my first 10K (my runs at home are between 2 and 3 miles; occasionally I will do a 4-5 mile run with a friend, and my longest runs ever were 8 and 9 miles, respectively, with that friend). I am familiar with the course (there is a 5K I run every year which includes part of it) and it is VERY hilly, with one gigantic incline about 3/4 mile from the start.
I am starting to panic about how to train most effectively for what is A) my longest run in a very long time, B) my longest race to date, C) a course that is challenging on its own, D) running without the use of my arms and the added concerns of maneuvering and pushing a wheelchair for 6.2 miles.
I will be 45 years old at that point, and I'm female. Anyone done a similar event with a wheelchair participant? Tips for training for hills? Tips for compensating for the lack of arm involvement? ANYTHING? Thanks in advance for any insight!