Due to unfortunate scheduling, I am running my second half marathon (first was last fall) on the morning of my wife's 40th birthday. She has requested no party. I have bought her something very nice.
Her mother wants to through a small family and friends party at her condo pool. The night before. This would mean I spend the evening chasing my 3 y.o. daughter, then driving 1.5 hours home, before trying to unwind and sleep ahead of 6:00 wake up. Earliest I could see getting home would be 11:00, but we're probably looking at 12:30, realistically.
Anyone want to tell me that I am overreacting? Do I just need to tell my MIL that I hope they have fun, but I would be unable to attend.
I really don't care about my time. I just want to have a good run. I am working way too hard to piss this away.