Skeeters Girls Softball Club
Open Tryouts!!!!
The Skeeters Girls Softball Club is a 10U through 18U select girls softball club sanctioned by the Rose Rich Girls Softball Association based in Richmond, Texas.
We are coached by ACE certified coaches with over a combined 30+ years of coaching experience and play in tournaments throughout the great state of Texas as well as National.
Our Mission Statement:
The Skeeters primary mission is to create opportunities for girls to play softball together at an age where they can learn essential skills
and life lessons that have value beyond the playing field in ways that are consistent with best practices in youth athletics.
The Skeeters Girls Softball Club will be hosting “Open Tryouts” the month of August 2013.
Tryouts will be held Tuesday August 13th 6:30- 8:30 pm, Sunday August 18th 4 – 6 pm, and Wednesday August 21st 6:30-8:30pm at the Rose-Rich Softball fields at George Park.
If you are a pitcher or catcher please plan on pitching/catching from 8:15 – 8:45 pm. If you are interested in attending our tryouts you may contact your appropriate age groups contact listed below.
We would like to try and get an accurate headcount of who will be attending, so that we can plan/staff the tryouts accordingly.
If you have any questions or would like to know more about the Skeeters Club, please feel free to contact any of the coaches below at any time.
18U : Jeremy Denard email:
16U : Jay Klingenberg email:
14U : Jason Runge email:
12U : Scott Ames email:
10U : Scott Ames email: